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Navigational Warnings and Notices

Current navigational warnings (NAVWARNs), including notices to shipping, notices to mariners (NOTMAR), shoals and status of aids to navigation.

National services and information

Navigational Warnings (NAVWARNs)

NAVWARNs contain information about changes to navigational aids and current marine activities or hazards. Visit Navigational warnings for more information.

Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR)

Provides the necessary information to update charts and nautical publications.

US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (for US Waters)

Provides warnings and notices for geographical sea regions known as NAVAREAs, including NAVAREA XII.

US Coast Guard Navigation Center (for US Waters)

Enhance the safety, security, and efficiency of U.S. Waterways; enable effective Coast Guard operations, and maximize the utility of GPS for its civil users.

Regional services and information

NAVAREA Broadcast Warning Messages

Arctic region

Canadian Coast Guard is responsible for Broadcast Warning Messages in NAVAREA XVII and NAVAREA XVIII.


Pacific region

Forecasts of available water depths for vessels navigating the Fraser River South Arm Channel

Shoals in the Waterways

Central region

St. Lawrence River, St. Mary's River, St. Clair River and Detroit River.

Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System

Central region

Seaway Notices address issues specific to a given navigation season, and serve to complement the regulations found in the Seaway Handbook.


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