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Water Level Forecasts Bulletin

St. Lawrence Ship Channel

Water Level Forecasts Bulletin ( PDF Version, CSV, Others WFS and WMS formats )

Forecasts as of May 20, 2021, for the expected lowest water levels at the indicated stations in the St. Lawrence ship channel.

Expected lowest water level above chart datum
Sector 3 days
(21/05 - 23/05)
4 to 7 days
(24/05 - 26/05)
7 to 10 days
(27/05 - 30/05)
11 to 14 days
(31/05 - 03/06)
Week 3
(04/06 - 10/06)
Week 4
(11/06 - 17/06)
Montreal 0.30 m 0.30 m 0.2 m 0.1 m 0.0 m 0.0 m
Sorel 0.35 m 0.45 m 0.4 m 0.2 m 0.2 m 0.2 m
Lake Saint Pierre 0.30 m 0.40 m 0.5 m 0.2 m 0.2 m 0.2 m
Trois-Rivieres 0.30 m 0.45 m 0.5 m 0.3 m 0.2 m 0.2 m


  1. These forecasts give the expected minimum water levels above chart datum at the indicated locations and at the specified times to assist commercial shipping in short term planning of operations (1 to 4 weeks).
  2. This bulletin is produced by the Hydraulic Engineering sector, CCG, Headquaters on Monday and Thursday of each week.
  3. The Canadian Coast Guard provides no guaranties on water levels and assumes no responsibilities relative to damages or losses resulting from the use of this information.
  4. It should be clearly understood that this information is a forecast of water levels which may be altered by short term hydrometeorological factors. The vessel master or officer-in-charge has the ultimate responsibility for the vessel safety at all times.
  5. The maritime industry has the responsibility of adding a sufficient safety margin to these forecasts. Hydrodynamic phenomena can influence water levels observed at gauging stations used by MCTS, especially during low water periods.
  6. Ice jams management could induce important variations in the water levels. The water level forecasts within this bulletin do not take into account the potential variations resulting from ice jam management.

Comment :

  1. A slight downward trend of water levels is expected over the following weeks.
  2. Uncertainties on expected lowest water levels can be provided on demand.

Pertinent current information

1. Lake Ontario

Pertinent current information at Lake Ontario
Weekly average water level Outflow at the Moses-Saunders dam
Level (m) Difference from
previous week
Outflow (m3/s) Difference from
previous week
Last week 74.74 0.03 8070 150 (2%)
Current 74.73 -0.01 8090 20 (0%)

2. Ottawa river outflow

Pertinent current information at Ottawa river outflow
Total outflow at the Carillon dam Outfow into Lake St. Louis
Outflow (m3/s) Difference from
previous week
Outflow (m3/s) Difference from
previous week
Last week 1510 -80 (-5%) 470 -30 (-6%)
Current 1480 -30 (-2%) 450 -20 (-4%)
Montreal expected lowest water level above chart datum chart image Sorel expected lowest water level above chart datum chart image Lake Saint Pierre expected lowest water level above chart datum chart image Trois-Rivieres expected lowest water level above chart datum chart image

Additional information may be obtained from:

Frédéric Filion, Eng.
Waterways manager
Canadian Coast Guard Programs
Central Region
101 Champlain Boulevard
Québec (Quebec), G1K 7Y7
Phone: 418-648-7493
Cell: 418-446-1056

For more information, contact the Waterways Division at:

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