How to Request an AIS AtoN and Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI)
This page provides information on the process and procedures for submitting the following requests:
- Application for an Automatic Identification System Aid to Navigation (AIS AtoN); and
- Obtention of a Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI).
The information contained on this page is based on instructions outlined in the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) Client Procedures Circular 2-3-07 — Obtaining Identities in the Maritime Mobile Service (CPC-2-3-07). While this page aims to present and simplify the process as it relates specifically to AIS AtoNs and MMSIs, CPC-2-3-07 remains the official policy for such requests.
It is assumed that individuals or organizations seeking to request authorization to deploy an AIS AtoN and/or request an MMSI...
- Have read and understood CPC-2-3-07; and
- Are familiar with the basic concepts of AIS, AIS AtoN, and MMSI.
Section 1. Summary of AIS AtoN and MMSI Request Process
The following provides an overview of the steps required when applying for an AIS AtoN and for obtaining an MMSI.
Step 1 |
Applying for an AIS AtoN |
The individual or organization seeking to deploy an AIS AtoN must complete the Application for an AIS AtoN form. Once complete, the form can be sent to the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG), which is the national authority for AIS AtoNs in Canada. The requestor shall also receive an automated e-mail notification that their submission has been received. The Application for an AIS AtoN form is based on the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) Procedure 1084 which provides recommendations to national authorities on the procedures for approving requests related to AIS AtoNs. A separate form must be submitted for each planned AIS AtoN. |
Step 2 |
Review of AIS AtoN application |
The CCG reviews the application for an AIS AtoN. Upon receipt of the Application for an AIS AtoN form, the CCG's AIS License Office will review the application for completeness and technical accuracy and to ensure the proposed AIS AtoN...
Requests that do not meet the criteria or that contain errors may be returned to the requestor for correction. In some cases, the requestor may be required to repeat Step 1 and re-submit an Application for an AIS AtoN form. Successful applicants shall receive a notice of approval from the CCG's AIS License Office at which point they may continue on to Step 3. |
Step 3 |
Applying for an MMSI |
The individual or organization seeking an MMSI must complete Form G - AIS Aids to Navigation (AtoN). Form G is part of ISED's CPC-2-3-07. It is currently available as an online form and as a Portable Document Format (PDF) form, neither of which can be submitted online at this time:
All requests for new MMSIs via Form G must be accompanied by the CCG notice of approval to deploy an AIS AtoN. Contact information for your nearest ISED district office can be found in the Section 4 "Contact Information" below. Individuals or organizations requesting an MMSI for a new AIS AtoN must ensure they indicate "Assign a New AtoN" on Form G. Instructions as to when to indicate "Modify an existing AtoN" are contained in Section 2 "Assign, Modify, or Cancel an AIS AtoN" below. |
Step 4 |
Review of MMSI application |
ISED reviews the application for an MMSI. Upon receipt of the completed Form G, ISED, as the authority for spectrum management in Canada, shall review the submission for completeness and to ensure that the request complies with Canadian Radiocommunication Regulations and other policies. Requests that do not meet the criteria or that contain errors may be returned to the requestor for correction. In some cases, the requestor may be required to repeat Step 3 and re-submit a Form G. Successful applicants shall be advised by ISED and be issued a Maritime Mobile Service Identity number. |
Section 2. Assign, Modify, or Cancel an AIS AtoN
ISED's Form G can be used to both apply for an MMSI for a new AIS AtoN and modify information of an existing AIS AtoN. In some instances, an existing AIS AtoN may need to be cancelled. The following table details the circumstances to which each option applies.
Please note that ISED currently only recognizes two types of AIS AtoN: Real and Virtual. CCG recommends that requests to ISED for an MMSI for a Synthetic AIS AtoN be treated as Virtual AIS AtoN. When programming the AIS AtoN with the assigned MMSI, the individual or organization responsible for deploying the AIS AtoN must ensure that Virtual AtoN flag is set to “0” in the AIS AtoN Report (Message 21).
If you... | You will need to... |
...cancel the MMSI using the ISED MMSI Cancellation Form. *If you are replacing a type of AIS AtoN with another type, you will first need to cancel the existing MMSI using the MMSI cancellation form then assign a new MMSI to the replacement AIS AtoN by using Form G – AIS aids to navigation (AtoN). |
If you... | You will need to... |
…assign a new AtoN using Form G – AIS aids to navigation (AtoN). *If you are replacing a type of AIS AtoN with another type, you will first need to cancel the existing MMSI using the MMSI cancellation form then assign a new MMSI to the replacement AIS AtoN by using Form G – AIS aids to navigation (AtoN). |
If you... | You will need to... |
…modify an existing AtoN using Form G – AIS aids to navigation (AtoN). |
If you... | You will need to... |
| nothing; No submissions need to be made to ISED for such activity. |
Section 3. References and Forms
The following is a list of references and forms to assist individuals or organisations seeking approval to deploy an new AIS AtoN, obtain a new MMSI, or modify or cancel an existing AIS AtoN.
Section 3.1. References | |
ISED CPC-2-3-07 — Obtaining Identities in the Maritime Mobile Service |
This Client Procedures Circular (CPC) provides information about identities in the maritime mobile service. It describes the required procedures for communicating with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) to obtain identities, to register preprogrammed identities, or to cancel identities. |
This guideline provides recommendations to national authorities with regards to processes and procedures for the authorisation of AIS AtoNs. This document is produced by the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) and is currently only available in English. |
Section 3.2. Forms | |
Application for an AIS AtoN form (PDF, 424 KB) |
This form must be completed in order to obtain authorisation from the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) AIS License Office to deploy an AIS AtoN. This form can be downloaded, completed, and e-mailed to the CCG AIS License Office. |
ISED Form G — AIS aids to navigation (AtoN)
This form must be completed in order to obtain a new MMSI for a new AIS AtoN or to modify the information relative to an AIS AtoN to which an MMSI has already been assigned. While this version of the form resides on line, it cannot be submitted online. It must be filled out then printed. It can then be submitted to the your ISED district office via fax, e-mail (scanner required), or regular mail (see Section 4 below.) |
Portable Document Format (PDF) version(225 KB)
This form must be completed in order to obtain a new MMSI for a new AIS AtoN or to modify the information relative to an AIS AtoN to which an MMSI has already been assigned. This PDF version of the form can be saved to your computer and then e-mailed as an attachment to your ISED district office. Alternatively, it can be submitted via regular or fax. |
Note: When used to request an MMSI for a new AIS AtoN, Form G must be accompanied by the authorization to deploy an AIS AtoN issued from the CCG AIS License Office. |
This form is required in order to cancel an existing MMSI. It can be completed and submitted online and will automatically be directed to the appropriate ISED district office based on the applicant's address. |
Section 4. Contact Information
Section 4.1. Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) | |
General queries related to AIS including AIS AtoNs can be submitted to either the CCG e-Navigation (ENAV) team or the AIS License Office. Questions specific to the AIS AtoN approval process can be directed to the AIS License Office. |
Canadian Coast Guard National HeadquartersCentennial Towers200 Kent StreetOttawa ON K1A 0A6ENAV e-mail: ccg.enav.gcc@dfo-mpo.gc.caAIS Licence Office: |
Section 4.2. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) | |
For inquiries regarding MMSIs, contact your nearest ISED district office. Please select your area in order to find the contact information for the ISED district office nearest to you. In-person visits to district offices are by appointment only. Alberta British Columbia Ontario Québec Saskatchewan |
Alberta |
Central and Northern Alberta District OfficeCanada Place9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Room 725Edmonton AB T5J 4C3Telephone: 1-800-461-2646Fax: 780-495-6501E-mail: Southern Alberta District OfficeHarry Hays Building220 - 4th Avenue SE, Suite 478Calgary AB TG2 4X3Telephone: 1-800-267-9401Fax: 403-292-4295E-mail: |
British Columbia |
Vancouver Island District Office1230 Government Street, Room 430Victoria BC V3T 3M4Telephone: 250-363-2521Fax: 250-363-0208E-mail: Lower Mainland District Office13401 – 108 Avenue, Suite 1700 Surrey BC V3T 5V6 Tel: 604-586-2521Fax: 604-586-2528Email: Northern British Columbia and Yukon District Office280 Victoria Street, Room 203 Prince George BC V2L 4X3 Telephone: 250-561-5291 or 1-800-667-3780 Fax: 250-561-5290 Email: Okanagan-Kootenay District Office1726 Dolphin Avenue, Room 603 Kelowna BC V1Y 9R9 Telephone: 250-470-5026 or 1-800-667-3780 Fax: 250-470-5045E-mail: |
Manitoba |
Manitoba District Office400 St. Mary Avenue, 4th floor Winnipeg MB R3C 4K5 Telephone: 1-800-665-3421 Fax: 204-984-6045 E-mail: |
New Brunswick |
New Brunswick/Prince Edward Island District OfficeCustoms Building 189 Prince William Street, 3rd floor Saint John NB E2L 2B9 Telephone: 1-855-465-6307 Fax: 506-636-4339 E-mail: |
Newfoundland and Labrador |
Newfoundland and Labrador District Office |
Northwest Territories |
Northwest Territories District Office (Administered by Saskatoon District Office) 123 2nd Avenue South, 7th floor Saskatoon SK S7K 7E6 Telephone: 1-877-783-7757 Fax: 306-975-4231 E-mail: |
Nova Scotia |
Nova Scotia District Office 50 Brown Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1X8 Telephone: 1-855-465-6307 Fax: 902-426-1000 E-mail: |
Nunavut |
Nunavut District Office(Administered by Montreal District Office) Sun Life Building 1155 Metcalfe Street, Room 950 Montréal QC H3B 2V6 Telephone: 1-855-784-8282 Fax: 514-283-5157 E-mail: |
Ontario |
Eastern and Northern Ontario District Office2 Queen Street East Sault Ste. Marie ON P6A 1Y3 Telephone: 1-855-465-6307 Fax: 705-941-4607E-mail: Southwestern Ontario District Office4475 North Service Road, Suite 100 Burlington ON L7L 4X7 Telephone: 1-855-465-6307 Fax: 905-639-6551Email: Toronto District Office151 Yonge Street, 4th floor Toronto ON M5C 2W7 Telephone: 1-855-465-6307 Fax: 416-954-3553 Email: |
Prince Edward Island |
New Brunswick/Prince Edward Island District OfficeCustoms Building 189 Prince William Street, 3rd floor Saint John NB E2L 2B9 Telephone: 1-855-465-6307 Fax: 506-636-4339 E-mail: |
Quebec |
Montreal District OfficeSun Life Building 1155 Metcalfe Street, Room 950 Montréal QC H3B 2V6 Telephone: 1-855-784-8282 Fax: 514-283-5157 E-mail: Sherbrooke District Office2665 King Street West, Room 600 Sherbrooke QC J1L 2G5 Telephone: 1-855-784-8282 Fax: 514-283-5157Email: Quebec District Office1550 d'Estimauville Avenue, Suite 702 Québec QC G1J 0C4 Telephone: 1-855-784-8282 Fax: 514-283-5157 Email: Val-d'Or District Office(Administered by Montreal District Office) Sun Life Building 1155 Metcalfe Street, Room 950 Montréal QC H3B 2V6 Telephone: 1-855-784-8282 Fax: 514-283-5157 E-mail: |
Saskatchewan |
Northern Saskatchewan District Office123 2nd Avenue South, 7th floor Saskatoon SK S7K 7E6 Telephone: 1-877-783-7757 Fax: 306-975-4231 E-mail: Southern Saskatchewan District Office1945 Hamilton Street, Room 600 Regina SK S4P 2C7 Telephone: 1-877-510-7875 Fax: 306-780-6506 Email: |
Yukon |
Northern British Columbia and Yukon District Office280 Victoria Street, Room 203 Prince George BC V2L 4X3 Telephone: 250-561-5291 or 1-800-667-3780 Fax: 250-561-5290 Email: |
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